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Zzz Zz Zanna-Zlyz
Zzz Zz Zanna-Zlyz
Dan Talsky
Dan Talsky
A female analytic abysmal diver from Sweden that mostly finds treasure chests of guffaw and love in our darkest and deepest contexts of life.
När jag är riktigt ledsen och upprörd får jag inte fram ett vettigt ord på andra språk än svenska ... vad nu det betyder? Hur länge ska detta utarmande av vårt land få ske, men man får den regering man förtjänar. Denna galna vargmassaker, och vi är inte ens hungriga, och vem går i päls idag? Sjukt!!!!! Först Volvo, Saab, Ericson och nu går vi på levande varelser i våra skogar, medan vi skiter totalt i alla hemlösa som fryser ihjäl i våra städer idag. Jag är inte stolt över att vara svensk, idag.
PRESSRELEASELarge-scale killing of critically endangered wolves in Sweden
Sweden is now leaving its position since decades as an environmental forerunner. The on-going killing of critically endangered wolves risks to severely harming the already small and inbred wolf population of Sweden. We ask for support from an international opinion in order to stop the government from continuing the killing, says Dr. Mikael Karlsson, President of the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, the largest and oldest environmental organisation in Sweden.The present wolf hunting in Sweden is based on a proposition from the Swedish government, implemented by an EPA decision, allowing 27 wolves to be killed in order to keep the population below 210 individuals. The wolf population is red-listed by scientists to be critically endangered in Sweden. As many as 20 other European countries have higher densities of wolves per surface unit than Sweden, all of which also have higher population density.
If Sweden as a green country permits more than ten percent of a critically endangered mammal to be killed, how can Sweden continue to push with environmental credibility on a EU or global scale, whether the questions concern whale hunting or climate change? asks Dr. Mikael Karlsson, President of the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation.
The hunting started on January 2nd and showed to be uncontrolled. About 12 000 hunters were registered for hunting down the 27 wolves, without any other coordination from public agencies than telephone answering machines. Consequently, the regionally responsible agencies are still trying to reveal whether or not the hunting has been within the regional share of the national quotas, and it still remains to be seen if the total national quota will be exceeded or not.
The road that the government has embarked on is dangerous, uncontrolled and signals a systematic shift in Swedish nature conservation tradition. This is a sad day for all who cares about nature, says Dr. Mikael Karlsson, President of the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation.
There is a huge distance ... between this sculpture of oranges and my home-cooked orange marmelade, but still thoughts doesn't have any limits ... or do they?
Today, I took down the Clove spiced Christmas Oranges and made marmelade to go with the cheese, sweet and lovely, and with a hint of the spices of Christmas left in it.
While doing it my thoughts took its own journey to the Orange Festival in Ivrea, Italy, where I have had much fun through out the years ;-) and further to USA where my Bible was "Betty Crockers", over-there I made lots of jam and chutney, o memories,o memories .... *sigh*
Wonder if people from Sweden are allowed to visit USA, this days, I read so many blogs that express hate against us grown up with social democratic and green values ....
Life is a silent jam, fruity with touches of bitterness and passion.