Monday, 25 October 2010

Prologue: WWW the Dream Catcher

Surreal digital photo artist: 

Sergejj Bizjaev


"Voices of The Wind"
Ah Nee Mah
(Anima or David and Diane Arkenstone)

More about Anima and Voices of the Mind  
when C.G. Jung & Co. arrives at the blogstage ;-)

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Eye of The Beholder

Do you see what I see?
Truth is an offence
You silence for your confidence

Do you hear what I hear?
Doors are slamming shut
Limit your imagination, keep you where they must

Do you feel what I feel?
Bittering distress
Who decides what you express?

Do you take what I take?
Endurance is the word
Moving back instead of forward seems to me absurd

Doesn't matter what you see
Or into it what you read
You can do it your own way
If it's done just how I say

Independence limited
Freedom of choice is made for you my friend
Freedom of speech is words that they will bend
Freedom with their exception

Do you fear what I fear?
Living properly
Truths to you are lies to me

Do you choose what I choose?
More alternatives
Energy derives from both the plus and negative

Do you need what I need?
Boundaries overthrown
Look inside, to each his own

Do you trust what I trust?
Me, myself and I
Penetrate the smoke screen, I see through the selfish lie

Doesn't matter what you see
Or into it what you read
You can do it your own way
If it's done just how I say

Independence limited
Freedom of choice is made for you my friend
Freedom of speech is words that they will bend
Freedom with their exception

Do you know what I know?
Your money and your wealth
You silence just to hear yourself

Do you want what I want?
Desire not a thing
I hunger after independence, lengthen freedom's ring

Doesn't matter what you see
Or into it what you read
You can do it your own way
If it's done just how I say

Independence limited
Freedom of choice is made for you my friend
Freedom of speech is words that they will bend
Freedom no longer frees you

Doesn't matter what you see
Or into it what you read
You can do it your own way
If it's done just how I say


Art: Vladimir Kush
Lyrics: Eye of The Beholder
Artists: Metallica


Sunday, 17 October 2010

You're Not From Here

I don't know what is going on
You turn around and touch my heart
A silent moment speaks the truth
Something has happened all at once
It should have scared me in advance
But I was falling in those eyes of yours
And so
Fear was gone
I knew there was nothing else
I'd ever want

I know you
You're not from here
I've waited for you to appear
To take my breath away
And make me weep
You're not from here
Not from this here and now
Just a touch of yours
And I fly... and I fly... and I fly

I can't get used to missing you
If this is how it's gotta be
I need an angel to watch over me
No one can hold the hands of time
But I can hold you in my mind
Over and over like a melody
For now
I'll stand still
For now
I'll be filled by the memory of your skin

I know you
You're not from here
You don't belong to lies and tears
The greatness of your soul
Makes me weep
You're not from here
Not from this here and now
Just a touch of yours
And I fly... and I fly... and I fly


Artist and SongWriter: Lara Fabian 

Friday, 15 October 2010

Blog Action Day 2010: WaterWar


Cradle of Humankind 
Africa and the Middle-East is looked upon as the human crib. The very first culture of humans.  Later on high human society evolved in those areas, we can learn a lot by history, and unfortunately like the planet Tellus, we are repeating the yards all over, again and again.

Sunken Cities
Once upon a time there was lots of cities (Atlantis (Platon myth?) , Herakleion, Canopus, Menouthis, etcetera) that has sunken and a few of them has now been found at from 6 to 10 meters under present sea level. Cities that have been lost for 2500-1600 years. Cities that at that time had advanced water- and sewerage systems. High standards didn't help against earthquakes, floods and tsunamis, the cities close to the seas and rivers fell down and was buried in water depths.

Water Conflicts
Throughout history clean water has been a source to conflict between people and nations. We know about ancient wars and conflicts around the Nile, the Euphrates and the Tigris, rivers that supplied the citizens with clean water back then. Conflicts that forced a huge amount of people to become water refugees. Because without access to the rivers, there is neither water to drink, nor opportunities for irrigation of plants to eat.


The Crib as The Undeveloped 
Today there is no respect for our common cradle. Problems in Africa and the Middle-East are not "ours", we close our borders for water refugees and refugees from other kinds of conflicts, like oil or religions, we will not share what we got today ... the day will come. We like to explain it through "their" politic, but it is all about land with water!

Rising Sea Level
The fast changing eco-system due to a combination of forest desecration, pollution and global warming has impact on weather and ground movements. Cities are falling down in rivers and seas, the ice are melting and the clean water are becoming to salty to drink. The scenario for the future might be civil wars all over the world due to lack of clean water.

Water a Human Right?!?
  • During the 10 years the water conflict in Darfur (Sudan) has been going on, over 2 million people has become water refugees, still we give them a cold hand or sink their boats, when they arrive at our borders in Europe.  Deaths due to this water conflict is estimated to around 300 000, probably much more.
  • The flood in Pakistan affected 20,2 million people, 1,9 million homes/house was destroyed, 2,2 million hectares of agricultural land was damaged. 1,4 million Pakistan water refugees are living in camps.
  • Coca Cola and Nestle amongst other companies are emptying clean water-supplies in India, Africa and USA in order to sell the water to us tapped in plastic bottles with Bis-phenol A, giving poison to one - taking clean water from other in the name of capitalistic thinking.      

threw fears about water scarcity,


Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Samic Jazz Rock Yoik

Sharing a favourite with You

The Sami have long lived in the northern parts of Scandinavia and the Kola Peninsula. A question that is often asked is: where do the Sami come from? The answer which can be given today is that the ancestors of the Sami are to be found among the hunting and trapping people who lived in the Arctic area of the Scandinavian countries during prehistoric times.

Samernas utbredning

Today the Sami live in four countries: Sweden, Norway, Finland and Russia. The Sami are an ethnic minority and the indigenous people of these countries. The area the Sami inhabited, today called Sápmi, stretches from Idre in Dalarna in the south, to the Kola Peninsula in Russia to the northeast. (Source: LAPONIA - WORLD HERITAGE AREA IN LAPLAND, SWEDEN)

Famous Sami people:
Joni Mitchell, Mari Boine, Sofia Jannok, Yana Mangi (singers)
Maud Adams, Renee Zellweger (actors)
Börje Salming (NHL)
Ingemar Stenmark, Anja Pärson, Jens Byggmark  (alpin)

Santa Claus ? :-D

Monday, 11 October 2010

Water Week: Raindrops

This is my little way of reminding about the BLOG ACTION DAY 2010 that will happen on Friday this week. This Years theme is WATER. Unite in the BLOG ACTION DAY 2010 by following the links above.

Have a calm week,

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Today You Get the Answer 101010

My friend Rune in Norway reminded me that today is the digital date: 101010. That in turn gave me "42", the ultimate answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything, so now we now for sure.


//Piffle and Deep Thought(s)

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Imagine John Lennon 70 Years Today

A real working class hero 
The world will never forget
Rest in Peace John Lennon

// Anna


Thursday, 7 October 2010

Baby Boom @ Analysson's

Proudly present

to YOU

 almost half-day old puppies


Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Horn-Raising Mind-Wake

A stranger turned to me today saying
"- I like Your red roe-deer hair colour!"

My immediate thought was - do that colour exist on humans, or is it my wilderness look that creates this visual perception (have only heard deerbrown)? Then I looked at and responsed the young woman " - Thank You, that was unexpected!" Silly answer, and I still don't know if it was that I never have heard that expression about hair-colours before or if she meant I was wild, but shy, and a little scary with my horns. Later, when I came home I felt glad because I love the roe-deer and communicate with the wild ones here in the forest several times a day.

Then a horrible thought came to mind synchronized with a big laugh. Maybe, she meant I gave an unsteady image like Bambi on the ice, and that I have lived so many year here at blogspot, so that I got white (light grey) spots all over my hair (can't be related to age lol). So now I am here, confused and wondering If it is time to cook all those onion shells (peels?) to make an ecological hair refresher. Or is it modern to have lots of white "dotcoms" in the hair in this digital age we live in?




Monday, 4 October 2010

Meet Mr Error in No. 503

Service Unavailable

Error 503


Opps , sorry he wasn't available. They say he is to loaded to appear on the scene. I am really, really tired of his manners, my patience is running out. I am about to fire him, his service is of no help to me, I only get frustrated. Watching him totally loaded hanging in the doorway in No. 503, can't understand how the rest of the neighbourhood can live under this circumstances. 

Until next time he is literally "home" 

// Anna-Lys



Sunday, 3 October 2010

The Golden Autumn in the Offing

In a few minutes the sun was shining this Sunday early evening. I threw up the window and managed to snap a photo. Isn't it incredibly beautiful when the fall knocks at the door? Now I'm back at the keyboard and the sun have embedded herself in the cuddly cloud-blanket again.