Sergejj Bizjaev
"Voices of The Wind"
Ah Nee Mah
(Anima or David and Diane Arkenstone)
More about Anima and Voices of the Mind
when C.G. Jung & Co. arrives at the blogstage ;-)
A female analytic abysmal diver from Sweden that mostly finds treasure chests of guffaw and love in our darkest and deepest contexts of life.
Do you see what I see?
Truth is an offence
You silence for your confidence
Do you hear what I hear?
Doors are slamming shut
Limit your imagination, keep you where they must
Do you feel what I feel?
Bittering distress
Who decides what you express?
Do you take what I take?
Endurance is the word
Moving back instead of forward seems to me absurd
Doesn't matter what you see
Or into it what you read
You can do it your own way
If it's done just how I say
Independence limited
Freedom of choice is made for you my friend
Freedom of speech is words that they will bend
Freedom with their exception
Do you fear what I fear?
Living properly
Truths to you are lies to me
Do you choose what I choose?
More alternatives
Energy derives from both the plus and negative
Do you need what I need?
Boundaries overthrown
Look inside, to each his own
Do you trust what I trust?
Me, myself and I
Penetrate the smoke screen, I see through the selfish lie
Doesn't matter what you see
Or into it what you read
You can do it your own way
If it's done just how I say
Independence limited
Freedom of choice is made for you my friend
Freedom of speech is words that they will bend
Freedom with their exception
Do you know what I know?
Your money and your wealth
You silence just to hear yourself
Do you want what I want?
Desire not a thing
I hunger after independence, lengthen freedom's ring
Doesn't matter what you see
Or into it what you read
You can do it your own way
If it's done just how I say
Independence limited
Freedom of choice is made for you my friend
Freedom of speech is words that they will bend
Freedom no longer frees you
Doesn't matter what you see
Or into it what you read
You can do it your own way
If it's done just how I say
Art: Vladimir Kush
Lyrics: Eye of The Beholder
Artists: Metallica
I don't know what is going on
You turn around and touch my heart
A silent moment speaks the truth
Something has happened all at once
It should have scared me in advance
But I was falling in those eyes of yours
And so
Fear was gone
I knew there was nothing else
I'd ever want
I know you
You're not from here
I've waited for you to appear
To take my breath away
And make me weep
You're not from here
Not from this here and now
Just a touch of yours
And I fly... and I fly... and I fly
I can't get used to missing you
If this is how it's gotta be
I need an angel to watch over me
No one can hold the hands of time
But I can hold you in my mind
Over and over like a melody
For now
I'll stand still
For now
I'll be filled by the memory of your skin
I know you
You're not from here
You don't belong to lies and tears
The greatness of your soul
Makes me weep
You're not from here
Not from this here and now
Just a touch of yours
And I fly... and I fly... and I fly
Cradle of Humankind
Africa and the Middle-East is looked upon as the human crib. The very first culture of humans. Later on high human society evolved in those areas, we can learn a lot by history, and unfortunately like the planet Tellus, we are repeating the yards all over, again and again.
Sunken Cities
Once upon a time there was lots of cities (Atlantis (Platon myth?) , Herakleion, Canopus, Menouthis, etcetera) that has sunken and a few of them has now been found at from 6 to 10 meters under present sea level. Cities that have been lost for 2500-1600 years. Cities that at that time had advanced water- and sewerage systems. High standards didn't help against earthquakes, floods and tsunamis, the cities close to the seas and rivers fell down and was buried in water depths.
Water Conflicts
Throughout history clean water has been a source to conflict between people and nations. We know about ancient wars and conflicts around the Nile, the Euphrates and the Tigris, rivers that supplied the citizens with clean water back then. Conflicts that forced a huge amount of people to become water refugees. Because without access to the rivers, there is neither water to drink, nor opportunities for irrigation of plants to eat.
The Crib as The Undeveloped
Today there is no respect for our common cradle. Problems in Africa and the Middle-East are not "ours", we close our borders for water refugees and refugees from other kinds of conflicts, like oil or religions, we will not share what we got today ... the day will come. We like to explain it through "their" politic, but it is all about land with water!
Rising Sea Level
The fast changing eco-system due to a combination of forest desecration, pollution and global warming has impact on weather and ground movements. Cities are falling down in rivers and seas, the ice are melting and the clean water are becoming to salty to drink. The scenario for the future might be civil wars all over the world due to lack of clean water.
Water a Human Right?!?
- During the 10 years the water conflict in Darfur (Sudan) has been going on, over 2 million people has become water refugees, still we give them a cold hand or sink their boats, when they arrive at our borders in Europe. Deaths due to this water conflict is estimated to around 300 000, probably much more.
- The flood in Pakistan affected 20,2 million people, 1,9 million homes/house was destroyed, 2,2 million hectares of agricultural land was damaged. 1,4 million Pakistan water refugees are living in camps.
- Coca Cola and Nestle amongst other companies are emptying clean water-supplies in India, Africa and USA in order to sell the water to us tapped in plastic bottles with Bis-phenol A, giving poison to one - taking clean water from other in the name of capitalistic thinking.
The Sami have long lived in the northern parts of Scandinavia and the Kola Peninsula. A question that is often asked is: where do the Sami come from? The answer which can be given today is that the ancestors of the Sami are to be found among the hunting and trapping people who lived in the Arctic area of the Scandinavian countries during prehistoric times.
Today the Sami live in four countries: Sweden, Norway, Finland and Russia. The Sami are an ethnic minority and the indigenous people of these countries. The area the Sami inhabited, today called Sápmi, stretches from Idre in Dalarna in the south, to the Kola Peninsula in Russia to the northeast. (Source: LAPONIA - WORLD HERITAGE AREA IN LAPLAND, SWEDEN)
Famous Sami people:
Joni Mitchell, Mari Boine, Sofia Jannok, Yana Mangi (singers)
Maud Adams, Renee Zellweger (actors)
Börje Salming (NHL)
Ingemar Stenmark, Anja Pärson, Jens Byggmark (alpin)
Santa Claus ? :-D
This is my little way of reminding about the BLOG ACTION DAY 2010 that will happen on Friday this week. This Years theme is WATER. Unite in the BLOG ACTION DAY 2010 by following the links above.
My friend Rune in Norway reminded me that today is the digital date: 101010. That in turn gave me "42", the ultimate answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything, so now we now for sure.
//Piffle and Deep Thought(s)
A stranger turned to me today saying"- I like Your red roe-deer hair colour!"
My immediate thought was - do that colour exist on humans, or is it my wilderness look that creates this visual perception (have only heard deerbrown)? Then I looked at and responsed the young woman " - Thank You, that was unexpected!" Silly answer, and I still don't know if it was that I never have heard that expression about hair-colours before or if she meant I was wild, but shy, and a little scary with my horns. Later, when I came home I felt glad because I love the roe-deer and communicate with the wild ones here in the forest several times a day.
Then a horrible thought came to mind synchronized with a big laugh. Maybe, she meant I gave an unsteady image like Bambi on the ice, and that I have lived so many year here at blogspot, so that I got white (light grey) spots all over my hair (can't be related to age lol). So now I am here, confused and wondering If it is time to cook all those onion shells (peels?) to make an ecological hair refresher. Or is it modern to have lots of white "dotcoms" in the hair in this digital age we live in?
Service Unavailable
Error 503
Opps , sorry he wasn't available. They say he is to loaded to appear on the scene. I am really, really tired of his manners, my patience is running out. I am about to fire him, his service is of no help to me, I only get frustrated. Watching him totally loaded hanging in the doorway in No. 503, can't understand how the rest of the neighbourhood can live under this circumstances.
Until next time he is literally "home"
// Anna-Lys
In a few minutes the sun was shining this Sunday early evening. I threw up the window and managed to snap a photo. Isn't it incredibly beautiful when the fall knocks at the door? Now I'm back at the keyboard and the sun have embedded herself in the cuddly cloud-blanket again.
This evening I have enjoyed myself listening to different artists (what else can I do but using my ears, when my eye still hurts). Sinnerman or Sinner Man is an old spiritual song probably from the beginning of 19:th century, but it is time to put in "run to the Blog", just to update the lyrics :-)
A few examples, which version do You prefer?
Jazz/Blues version
Reggie version
Celtic version
House version
Folk song version
Techno version
Hard Rock
And the judge says:
Blog Action Day 2010: Water from Blog Action Day on Vimeo.
I ett modernt samhälle lever vi tillsammans i samklang med våra resurser. Många tänker ekonomi och pengar när vi talar om resurser, vilket jag anser vara helt fel. Pengar hjälper föga om vi inte har rent vatten, ren luft och frisk mat. I min vision av ett modernt samhälle tänker vi på att de riktiga resurserna är begränsade och ska rättvist fördelas. Ett modernt samhälle kräver ett nytt sätt att tänka och ett annorlunda liv, ett liv i samklang med vårt ekologiska system.
Om vi fortsätter som vi lever nu kommer vi att inom 100 år ha höjt jordens medeltemperatur med 1,1-6,4 grader (källa naturvårdsverket) och vi ser redan flera effekter på detta, och det verkar som om växthus-effekten går fortare än man först trott. Jorden är en stenplanet men är unik. Den är den enda med kontinentalplattor som flyter på den heta manteln och det är den enda planeten som har vatten i flytande form på ytan. Det flytande vattnet som täcker 71 % av Jorden är förutsättningen för liv, den dämpar temperatur-skillnader. En höjd temeratur innebär inte att vi kommer att uppleva evig solstol och Tequila Sunrise. Det innebär brist på dricksvatten, frisk sund luft och förstörda grödor och animalt liv.
I ett modernt samhälle tar vi alla ansvar för jordens överlevnad och lever i samklang med våra resurser, samtidigt som vi utvecklar förnyelsebara energier. Vi kommer alla att ha sol- och vindkraft inbygda i vårt hem (tak, balkonger, på gården etc), det är inte svårare än att sätta upp en parabol antenn, och det verkar de flesta haft och kunnat leva med. Vi kommer inte att transportera avfall och skit med lastbilar kors och tvärs. För inte är det rättvist att vi ska betala för att ett företag hämtar det, sen säljer de det, omvandlar, och sen köper vi tillbaks antingen i form av energi eller mull. Pengar och skit skyflas fram- och tillbaks, men ägarbytena av detta guld, belastar miljön genom sina transporter och reningsverk. Detta kan lätt skötas i kvarteret, utan sanitära olägenheter.
I ett modernt samhälle tänker jag mig bilpool, vilket redan flera har. Där jag bor är vi hittills tre hushåll som håller på att förhandla om hur detta ska se ut, vi bjuder även in de utan körkort eller bil, så t ex äldre kan få hjälp att komma ut. Känner att det är risk att jag blir långrandig :-D
Vad jag kort vill säga är att jag är rädd, rädd att pengar, plånböcker, främlingsfientlighet och jobb ska styra vårt röstande i morgon. Jag känner att det är oerhört viktigt att vi KAN HA ETT LIV PÅ JORDEN ÄVEN I FRAMTIDEN. Jag är inte politiker, men jag vill gärna behålla min framtidstro, och vår vackra planet, och det måste vi hjälpas åt med tillsammans, vårt hem. Miljöpartiet satsar på ett modernt samhälle, det gör jag också.
Läs gärna min andra blogg
I can look on (a tree) as a picture: stiff column in a shock of light, or splash of green shot with the delicate blue and silver of the background.
I can perceive it as movement: flowing veins on clinging, pressing pith, suck of the roots, breathing of the leaves, ceaseless commerce with earth and air - and the obscure growth itself.
I can classify it in a species and study it as a type in its structure and mode of life.
I can subdue its actual presence and form so sternly that I recognize it only as an expression of law...
I can dissipate it and perpetuate it in number...
In all this the tree remains my object, occupies space and time, and has its nature and constitution.
It can, however, also come about, if I have both will and grace, that in considering the tree I become bound up in relation to it. The tree is no longer It. I have been seized by the power of exclusiveness.
Martin Buber (1958) "I and Thou", pp. 19-20)
This is when it all started, in 1927. It must have been really hard to get the material up on the mountain. The view over the fjords, islands and sea are still breath-taking but the building are slightly bigger and higher and there is today build one more house at my estate. Besides me, my cat and my dogs, am I planning for a micro-farm, probably goats and hens for a start (the later might be problematic due to the wilderness inhabitants, like the fox and hawks.
The ladies that got it built back in 1927, have made beautiful stone floors downhill for plants, I will continue that work. Right now it is enough just to sit at the porch and enjoy the scenery, I would like to share it with You. Later on I will put up a cam so You can enjoy the beautiful landscape view. I am very fortunate to have found a place that feels like "coming home", eight years after losing my own house in a house-fire. I have rented many places on islands etcetera, but the real homely atmosphere has not encompassed, until now. Earlier, when I have described my "homes" I have reflected over that I have been writing like I was a tourist hostess :-)
Everything here is in balance with our ecological system, I will do everything I can to make it even better . Finally, talking as a tourist hostess lol, this part of Sweden belonged to Norway before, so I think this video will be a suitable end to this Sunday posts content :-)
Anna-Lys @ Home 2010 :-D
Calliope | Καλλιόπη | "epic poetry" | ||||
Cleio | Κλειω | "history" | ||||
Erato | Ἐρατώ | "love poetry" | ||||
Euterpe | Ευτερπη | "lyric poetry" | ||||
Melpomene | Μελπομένη | "tragedy" | ||||
Polyhymnia or Polhymnia | Πολύμνια | "sacred poetry" | ||||
Terpsichore | Τερψιχόρη | "choral songs" and the "dance" | ||||
Thaleia | Θαλία | "comedy" | ||||
Urania | Οὔρανια | "astronomy" |
Fat man lookin' in a blade of steel
Thin man lookin' at his last meal
Hollow man lookin' in a cottonfield
For dignity
Wise man lookin' in a blade of grass
Young man lookin' in the shadows that pass
Poor man lookin' through painted glass
For dignity
Somebody got murdered on New Year's Eve
Somebody said dignity was the first to leave
I went into the city, went into the town
Went into the land of the midnight sun
Searchin' high, searchin' low
Searchin' everywhere I know
Askin' the cops wherever I go
Have you seen dignity?
Blind man breakin' out of a trance
Puts both his hands in the pockets of chance
Hopin' to find one circumstance
Of dignity
I went to the wedding of Mary-lou
She said she don't want nobody see me talkin' to you?
Said she could get killed if she told me what she knew
About dignity
I went down where the vultures feed
I would've got deeper, but there wasn't any need
Heard the tongues of angels and the tongues of men
Wasn't any difference to me
Chilly wind sharp as a razor blade
House on fire, debts unpaid
Gonna stand at the window, gonna ask the maid
Have you seen dignity?
Drinkin' man listens to the voice he hears
In a crowded room full of covered up mirrors
Lookin' into the lost forgotten years
For dignity
Met Prince Phillip at the home of the blues
Said he'd give me information if his name wasn't used
He wanted money up front, said he was abused
By dignity
Footprints runnin' cross the sliver sand
Steps goin' down into tattoo land
I met the sons of darkness and the sons of light
In the bordertowns of despair
Got no place to fade, got no coat
I'm on the rollin' river in a jerkin' boat
Tryin' to read a note somebody wrote
About dignity
Sick man lookin' for the doctor's cure
Lookin' at his hands for the lines that were
And into every masterpiece of literature
for dignity
Englishman stranded in the blackheart wind
Combin' his hair back, his future looks thin
Bites the bullet and he looks within
For dignity
Someone showed me a picture and I just laughed
Dignity never been photographed
I went into the red, went into the black
Into the valley of dry bone dreams
So many roads, so much at stake
So many dead ends, I'm at the edge of the lake
Sometimes I wonder what it's gonna take
To find dignity
(Bob Dylan)
Det råder tystnad över vart BP-oljan tog vägen när den spred sig i "strömmen". Den havsström som avses är Mexikanska Golfströmmen, ja just precis samma ström som håller bl a Sverige , Skottland och Norge 20-30 grader varmare. Vi har bl a Mexikanska Golfströmmen att tacka för vårt fantastiskt humana klimat. Jag vet inte när vi får känna av förändringens vindar, eller om naturen har fixat det till oss så vi inte blir drabbade. För inte fixade de det där borta utanför Florida. Amerikanarnas problem var tydligen löst när oljan inte fanns i deras farvatten längre. Men, naturen är fantastisk, så jag ber den att än engång "städa upp" efter oss dumma människor. Om jag förstått rätt så förflyttar sig Golfströmmen med en oerhörd fart och med enorma mängder, låt oss hoppas att haveriet inte når oss. Jag vill inte flytta härifrån på grund av kyla och i Norge lär det väl bli nya isberg! ... det är såååå tyst!
Wonderings by
16 August 2010 Last updated at 11:51 GMTCult of less:
Living out of a hard drive
By Matthew Danzico
BBC News, WashingtonMany have begun trading in CD, DVD, and book collections for digital music, movies, and e-books. But this trend in digital technology is now influencing some to get rid of nearly all of their physical possessions - from photographs to furniture to homes altogether.
Let's face it - digital files, applications and web services are replacing the need for many of the physical goods that pepper our homes, crowd our desks and fill our closets.
From online photo albums to virtual filing cabinets to digital musical instruments, hi-tech replacements are becoming ubiquitous.
But as goods continue to make the leap from the bookshelf to the hard drive, some individuals are taking the opportunity to radically change their lifestyles.
'21st-Century minimalist'
Meet Kelly Sutton, a spiky-haired 22-year-old software engineer with thick-rimmed glasses and an empty apartment in Brooklyn's Williamsburg neighbourhood - a hotbed for New York's young, early adopters of new technology.
Mr Sutton is the founder of, a website which has helped him sell or give away his possessions - apart from his laptop, an iPad, an Amazon Kindle, two external hard drives, a "few" articles of clothing and bed sheets for a mattress that was left in his newly rented apartment.
This 21st-Century minimalist says he got rid of much of his clutter because he felt the ever-increasing number of available digital goods have provided adequate replacements for his former physical possessions.
"I think cutting down on physical commodities in general might be a trend of my generation - cutting down on physical commodities that can be replaced by digital counterparts will be a fact," said Mr Sutton.
The tech-savvy Los Angeles "transplant" credits his external hard drives and online services like iTunes, Hulu, Flickr, Facebook, Skype and Google Maps for allowing him to lead a minimalist life.
"I think the shift to all digital formats in all methods and forms of media consumption is inevitable and coming very quickly," said Mr Sutton.
And Mr Sutton may be right.
Consumer electronic book sales tripled between 2008 and 2009, while the growth of physical book sales slowed, according to the Association of American Publishers.
Meanwhile, compact disc sales have declined by roughly 50% from their 2005 levels worldwide, while global revenue from digital music has nearly quadrupled in the same period, according to the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry.
Virtual homelessnessChris Yurista, a DJ from Washington, DC, cites this trend in digital music as one reason he was able to hand over the keys to his basement apartment over a year ago.
"It's always nice to have a personal sense of home, but that aside - the internet has replaced my need for an address," the 27-year-old said.
Since boxing up his physical possessions and getting rid of his home, Mr Yurista has taken to the streets with a backpack full of designer clothing, a laptop, an external hard drive, a small piano keyboard and a bicycle - an armful of goods that totals over $3,000 (£1,890) in value.
The American University graduate, who spends much of his time basking in the glow emanating from his Macbook, earns a significant income at his full-time job as a travel agent and believes his new life on the digital grid is less cluttered than his old life on the physical one.
"I don't feel a void living the way I'm living because I've figured out a way to use digital technology to my advantage," Mr Yurista explained.
Mr Yurista feels by digitising his life, he no longer has to worry about dusting, organising and cleaning his possessions. And he says his new intangible goods can continue to live on indefinitely with little maintenance.
"Things like records snap and wear down over time. It's upsetting. MP3s don't," he said.
The DJ has now substituted his bed for friends' couches, paper bills for online banking, and a record collection containing nearly 2,000 albums for an external hard drive with DJ software and nearly 13,000 MP3s.
But Mr Yurista is not the only digital vagabond.
Joshua Klein, a New York City-based technology innovation consultant, also set out on the road with his hard drive.
He and his wife digitised their possessions, got rid of two-thirds of what they owned and headed to the streets of New York for nine months with their laptops.
But Mr Klein and Mr Yurista both admit there are risks involved.
Mr Klein says the lifestyle can become loathsome because "you never know where you will sleep". And Mr Yurista says he frequently worries he may lose his new digital life to a hard drive crash or downed server.
"You have to really make sure you have back-ups of your digital goods everywhere," he said.
Data crisis counsellorData recovery engineer Chris Bross agrees and says if individuals backed up their digital lives "they wouldn't need us when a failure occurs, and they wouldn't be in crisis".
As digital possessions shrink the need for physical property, data recovery companies like Drive Savers, DTI Recovery and Eco Data Recovery may become the emergency response teams of the future.
Mr Bross, a Drive Savers employee, believes as individuals grow increasingly dependent on "digital storage technology for holding all these assets that they used to hold more tangibly", data recovery services will become rather like the firefighters of the 21st Century - responders who save your valuables.
More here:
"There I was on a July morning looking for love. With the strength of a new day dawning and the beautiful sun. At the sound of the first bird singing I was leaving for home. /.../ There wasn't a stone I left unturned"
När jag är riktigt ledsen och upprörd får jag inte fram ett vettigt ord på andra språk än svenska ... vad nu det betyder? Hur länge ska detta utarmande av vårt land få ske, men man får den regering man förtjänar. Denna galna vargmassaker, och vi är inte ens hungriga, och vem går i päls idag? Sjukt!!!!! Först Volvo, Saab, Ericson och nu går vi på levande varelser i våra skogar, medan vi skiter totalt i alla hemlösa som fryser ihjäl i våra städer idag. Jag är inte stolt över att vara svensk, idag.
PRESSRELEASELarge-scale killing of critically endangered wolves in Sweden
Sweden is now leaving its position since decades as an environmental forerunner. The on-going killing of critically endangered wolves risks to severely harming the already small and inbred wolf population of Sweden. We ask for support from an international opinion in order to stop the government from continuing the killing, says Dr. Mikael Karlsson, President of the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, the largest and oldest environmental organisation in Sweden.The present wolf hunting in Sweden is based on a proposition from the Swedish government, implemented by an EPA decision, allowing 27 wolves to be killed in order to keep the population below 210 individuals. The wolf population is red-listed by scientists to be critically endangered in Sweden. As many as 20 other European countries have higher densities of wolves per surface unit than Sweden, all of which also have higher population density.
If Sweden as a green country permits more than ten percent of a critically endangered mammal to be killed, how can Sweden continue to push with environmental credibility on a EU or global scale, whether the questions concern whale hunting or climate change? asks Dr. Mikael Karlsson, President of the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation.
The hunting started on January 2nd and showed to be uncontrolled. About 12 000 hunters were registered for hunting down the 27 wolves, without any other coordination from public agencies than telephone answering machines. Consequently, the regionally responsible agencies are still trying to reveal whether or not the hunting has been within the regional share of the national quotas, and it still remains to be seen if the total national quota will be exceeded or not.
The road that the government has embarked on is dangerous, uncontrolled and signals a systematic shift in Swedish nature conservation tradition. This is a sad day for all who cares about nature, says Dr. Mikael Karlsson, President of the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation.